Photography: Acura NSX – Every Boy’s Dream

Back in 97′, I was some 10 years old, and cars started to get to me in a way I didn’t think was possible until then. You get up in the morning, pick up your mates from school, and head towards that boring 6 hours of sitting and learning stuff you didn’t really want. The only thing that could occupy your mind was talking about your neighbor’s new car. We instantly knew and talked about every piece of the car (even though we didn’t have a clue what we were talking about most of the time), the engine, brakes, top speed, leather interior, and everything that a 10-year-old could. We had posters on the walls. All of the walls! There were Lambos, Ferrari’s, Porsche’s, and so on, but there was one car that was really occupying us as kids. The Acura NSX! Or in our parts of the world, the Honda NSX was the name.
The car that looked like a Ferrari, but wasn’t one? Oh dear, it was the jackpot! First seeing it, with German number plates, memorizing its every number, getting to the point where we found out it used VTEC (variable valve timing and lift electronic control), learning that it had a V6 engined, getting to know the fact about its mid-engine placement. Wooooooow … those were the days! After that, some of us forgot everything about cars and switched to football, basketball, handball, and girls. But some of us didn’t ever forget the sound of the VTEC raging powered by that aluminum V6 engine in its back.
Last week I got a nice message from William Stern, talking to me about his photoshoot of the Bentley GT he has done for 360 forged, but in the process of getting those photos I found out that he has done a photoshoot of every boy’s dream. The Acura NSX !!! I instantly memorized it, got it on my laptop, and went into the process of resizing it to be published on our website. A car like this surely deserves to be shown to our loyal readers. To get in touch with what you looked at as a boy, to get those childhood memories back to life. So here it is, a high-resolution photoshoot of an Acura NSX here on our website. The photographs are done for a wheel company named System Forged, whose wheels and cars we already featured here.